Source: docs/jsdoc/template-functions.jsdoc

 * This type of function is returned from {@link module:ejs.compile}, when
 * {@link Options}`.client` is false.
 * @callback TemplateFunction
 * @param {Object}          [locals={}]
 * an object of data to be passed into the template.
 * @return {(String|Promise<String>)}
 * Return type depends on {@link Options}`.async`.
 * @static
 * @global

 * This type of function is returned from {@link module:ejs.compile}, when
 * {@link Options}`.client` is true.
 * This is also used internally to generate a
 * {@link TemplateFunction}.
 * @callback ClientFunction
 * @param {Object}          [locals={}]
 * an object of data to be passed into the template. The name of this variable
 * is adjustable through {@link module:ejs.localsName}.
 * @param {EscapeCallback}  [escape={@link Options}.escape]
 * callback used to escape variables
 * @param {IncludeCallback} [include]
 * callback used to include files at runtime with `include()`
 * @param {RethrowCallback} [rethrow={@link module:ejs-internal.rethrow}]
 * callback used to handle and rethrow errors
 * @return {(String|Promise<String>)}
 * Return type depends on {@link Options}`.async`.
 * @static
 * @global

 * Escapes a string using HTML/XML escaping rules.
 * @callback EscapeCallback
 * @param  {String} markup Input string
 * @return {String}        Escaped string
 * @static
 * @global

 * This type of callback is used when {@link Options}`.compileDebug`
 * is true, and an error in the template is thrown. By default it is used to
 * rethrow an error in a better-formatted way.
 * @callback RethrowCallback
 * @param {Error}  err      Error object
 * @param {String} str      full EJS source
 * @param {String} filename file name of the EJS file
 * @param {Number} lineno   line number of the error
 * @param {EscapeCallback} esc
 * @static
 * @global

 * The callback called by {@link ClientFunction} to include files at runtime with `include()`
 * @callback IncludeCallback
 * @param  {String} path      Path to be included
 * @param  {Object} [data]    Data passed to the template
 * @return {String}           Contents of the file requested
 * @static
 * @global