* Compilation and rendering options.
* @typedef Options
* @type {Object}
* @property {Boolean} [debug=false]
* Log generated JavaScript source for the EJS template to the console.
* @property {Boolean} [compileDebug=true]
* Include additional runtime debugging information in generated template
* functions.
* @property {Boolean} [_with=true]
* Whether or not to use `with () {}` construct in the generated template
* functions. If set to `false`, data is still accessible through the object
* whose name is specified by {@link module:ejs.localsName} (default to
* `locals`).
* @property {Boolean} [strict=false]
* Whether to run in strict mode or not.
* Enforces `_with=false`.
* @property {String[]} [destructuredLocals=[]]
* An array of local variables that are always destructured from {@link module:ejs.localsName},
* available even in strict mode.
* @property {Boolean} [rmWhitespace=false]
* Remove all safe-to-remove whitespace, including leading and trailing
* whitespace. It also enables a safer version of `-%>` line slurping for all
* scriptlet tags (it does not strip new lines of tags in the middle of a
* line).
* @property {Boolean} [client=false]
* Whether or not to compile a {@link ClientFunction} that can be rendered
* in the browser without depending on ejs.js. Otherwise, a {@link TemplateFunction}
* will be compiled.
* @property {EscapeCallback} [escape={@link module:utils.escapeXML}]
* The escaping function used with `<%=` construct. It is used in rendering
* and is `.toString()`ed in the generation of client functions.
* @property {String} [filename=undefined]
* The filename of the template. Required for inclusion and caching unless
* you are using {@link module:ejs.renderFile}. Also used for error reporting.
* @property {String|String[]} [root=undefined]
* The path to the template root(s). When this is set, absolute paths for includes
* (/filename.ejs) will be relative to the template root(s).
* @property {String} [openDelimiter='<']
* The opening delimiter for all statements. This allows you to clearly delinate
* the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended
* to synchronize this with the closeDelimiter property.)
* @property {String} [closeDelimiter='>']
* The closing delimiter for all statements. This allows to to clearly delinate
* the difference between template code and existing delimiters. (It is recommended
* to synchronize this with the openDelimiter property.)
* @property {String} [delimiter='%']
* The delimiter used in template compilation.
* @property {Boolean} [cache=false]
* Whether or not to enable caching of template functions. Beware that
* the options of compilation are not checked as being the same, so
* special handling is required if, for example, you want to cache client
* and regular functions of the same file.
* Requires `filename` to be set. Only works with rendering function.
* @property {Object} [context=this]
* The Object to which `this` is set during rendering.
* @property {Object} [scope=this]
* Alias of `context`. Deprecated.
* @property {Boolean} [async=false]
* Whether or not to create an async function instead of a regular function.
* This requires language support.
* @static
* @global